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Old 11-21-2013, 11:39 AM   #5
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 34
Default Re: Freeze Advice Needed

I have a 2005 SunVoyager 8.1 gas and I run a maintenance drop light with a 75 watt light bulb from the basement door next to the water lines that has a electrical outlet into the basement door that has the water works inside. 75 watts is enoungh to keep the water and lines from feezing with the basement door closed. Be sure to keep the bathroom door open unless you have central heat on or the toilet lines could freeze up. I did not while I was using space heaters inside instead of propane heat and the water lines in the toilet froze cracking a small plastic part which I relplaced. Any external line, water or sewer should be disconnected. Put enough water in the tank to take them trough the night and leave the hot water tank on as long as you have water in the tank. Then all will be good! I often forget to turn off the 75 watt light which is fine as long as your connected to a shore cord or your running the generator on board. It will not over heat the bay.
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