View Full Version : water shut off location for wasther/dryer combo

01-13-2019, 11:08 AM
I bought a used 2008 Sun Voyager Class A motorhome and I just developed a water leak which I think may be coming from one of the hoses behind the washer/dryer. Does anyone know where there is a shutoff valve for the water running to this?

Appreciate any help.

01-13-2019, 01:40 PM
Not familiar with your rig, but the valves are behind the washer, now on mine as its in the middle of the coach, there's panels on the side you can remove for access, it has fabric buttons that snap on unwrap and there's a screw holding the panel on

Chuck v
01-13-2019, 02:46 PM
In addition to the 'faucet' style valves at the coach en of the washer hoses, many class A caches have a water distribution manifold that can selectively shut off water to any item in the coach.

The water manifold valve assembly in my Tour Master is in the curb-side basement bay that has the water filter, water pump, etc...

It is called a "manibloc" valve and looks like this:
https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fimages-na.ssl-images-amazon.com%2Fimages%2FI%2F81IygXUhwEL._SY879_.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FViega-MXBD14-3-14-Port-Manabloc%2Fdp%2FB0012XZ4VY&docid=sYF5612dMDakwM&tbnid=Yv9Sjh4QiJCn8M%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjQ5IuC0OvfAhUOB3wKHaU_DQYQMwigAShUMFQ. .i&w=432&h=879&client=firefox-b-1&bih=736&biw=1163&q=water%20manifold%20valve%20for%20gulfstream%20RV&ved=0ahUKEwjQ5IuC0OvfAhUOB3wKHaU_DQYQMwigAShUMFQ&iact=mrc&uact=8


01-20-2019, 09:52 AM
I have a 2007 Yellowstone 8386. In mine, there is a storage closet above the washer. On the bottom shelf, at the back, is a felt panel. Mine had six screws. The valves for mine were behind this panel.

08-11-2019, 03:34 PM
Thanks for the response. I finally had the dealership turn them off.