View Full Version : Adding a window

10-14-2020, 09:51 AM
I own a 2018 Capri 199DD and I'm considering having the dealer add an additional window for the lower bunk. The lower bunk can be a bit claustrophobic and could use some ventilation as well.

Any reason I shouldn't do this?

Will it void my warranty?

03-19-2021, 09:00 PM
did you end up doing this? I would like to do the same. How much did it cost?

03-20-2021, 02:37 PM
did you end up doing this? I would like to do the same. How much did it cost?

I did not, but I haven't abandoned the idea. I don't see it as being a difficult job and the additional weight would be negligible.

Windows can be purchased for approx. $200US and if your handy, you could do it yourself. I don't know what the dealer would charge, but I'm guessing labor would probably range from $300-$400 to complete the job.

Check Recpro.com (https://www.recpro.com/rv-exit-window-30w-x-22h-optional-trim/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwutaCBhDfARIsAJHWnHuYeDESbD13Imu6gGc Qxqh5KLihnfapz6KeEu2EDSaBv88pGgsJ_IgaAqTAEALw_wcB) if your going to go the DIY route.