Well you know Ron, when we spent the bucks for this motor home I figured it would probably be the last one, for I am not a rich man. I would have never beleived I would spend what I did for the one I have now. So when I found I had the water leaks it made me mad as hell at Gulfstream to think they would build this thing and would not stand behind it. Beleive me I lost a lot of sleep over it and talked to a lot of people who gave me little help. I have always been very persistant and I never give up, some time it takes a while and I drive the wife nuts but normally I win. We havent been in a really bad rain since I found what I think was the leak so we will see. If not I will keep at it. We like the floor plan of the one we have and it is nice when we are out for several weeks at a time.
Darby R. Corwin