Brake Controller Connection - Under Rig
I'm trying to use the built in connections on my 2004 Gulfstream Ultra Class-C RV, which is on a Ford E-450 Chassis. I've located the under dash connection but I'm trying to trace it to the under chassis wiring. The best I can determine I believe it's one of these two connectors (see pictures). Does anyone have any knowledge about what these actually are? I'd like to be sure before I go hacking away something that may be important for some other use, or hurting my RV and/or brake controller in the process. Thank you for any assistance.
Update: Ford apparently doesn't make the connector plug harness for these any longer, but after a brief discussion with a parts technician I'm gaining confidence that these are the plugs that tie into the 7-pin connector at the hitch. Looks like I'll be cutting the connectors off and hard-wiring in my receptacle. As always, if you've got any input or feedback on this process, please chime in.