Originally Posted by slaredo
My own preference is a well-lighted truck stop like Flying J where there are employees onsite 24 hours a day.
I can only speak for myself, but as a professional truck driver and avid camper, I avoid truck stops for overnight stays.
Yes, they are usually well lit, safe and have plenty of amenities, but for truck drivers, it one of the few available places for us to stop and not be hassled by DOT, LEA or Security.
Parking for semi trucks is a growing problem for truck drivers, there are fewer and fewer parking options available every day, especially on the East Coast.
We rely, almost exclusively, on the truck stops for fuel, showers, laundry, etc...and they are literally the only, somewhat comfortable, places we can stay when HOS (Hours of Service) demand we stop for our mandatory 34 consecutive hour rest breaks.
Rest areas are fine for short breaks or when a truck stop isn't available, but many states do not allow us to idle in a rest area, so if it is hot outside and your truck is not equipped with an APU (like mine) you get the pleasure of attempting to sleep in an oven.
I'm not saying you won't be welcome at a truck stop, you will, just don't be that a-hole who takes up two spots so you can use your slide out, awning, grill, etc...
Just my two pennies.