I have a 2005 sunvoyager trio, vortec 8100 on a workhorse chassis, allison trans. The workhorse dealership had the coach for several weeks. besides the anti lock brake light being on, I also have an electrical problem. The house batteries do not charge while the engine is running, even though putting a volt meter on them shows 13.4 volts while the engine runs. While plugged to shore power, I have the same problem. I just put new batteries in 6 months ago to try and solve this problem orriginally. If I just leave everything turned off,(the main kill switch) with the batteries connected (i've installed a manual cut off switch) both batteries would be completely drained in a few days. I wasn't going to let this ruin my planned trip, so I just dealt with it on a recent trip cross country. Now it's back to the shop. I was hoping to have something intelligent to suggest to them, since they seem baffeled.