Sprinterguy I don't know if they are all like this but we love our BT. We have a 2003, 24 foot with slider and nothing major has gone wrong in 16 years. Things wear out, ours has never been under a cover and I have lived in the desert, mountains, and now the beach. I have a good mechanic that says it's easy to work on. Standard ford e350 parts are readily available. We replaced all the sky lights, two compartment doors, and resealed the roof, standard RV parts. My dog ran into an open draw and broke the cabinet. Found the parts at Home depot. Replaced the batteries and tires. We also get about 10-17 miles per gallon depending on the terrain. All the plumbing is inside so we do plug in a small heater set at 40F if the temp drop below 25 that way we don't have to winterize it. We put a little anti freeze in the grey tanks.