Here we are again with this ___ Hydro system. I found a bubble on the line at the push rod for the kitchen slide. The bubble leaks small drops of fluid over time. I am about to take a cross country trip soon and do not want to get stuck at one of the stops. I found a place that makes hydro lines. While trying to remove the line in the bay of my coach I realized the lines are in pairs attached to each other and they are located over the 90 gallon fresh water tank. I cannot get to the second line connection so my only option is to slide a new line through spaces above and in the bay and just leave to old line disconnected where it is. Oh yes the slide is the kitchen which is the heavest.
Any other ideas???? Or has anyone else replaced their slide hyro lines.
I have a 2007 Yellowstone Country Club Quattro with the Mercedes 330 Diesel on the Freightliner.
Help, Steve
Any other ideas???? Or has anyone else replaced their slide hyro lines.
I have a 2007 Yellowstone Country Club Quattro with the Mercedes 330 Diesel on the Freightliner.
Help, Steve